our services

A paint job can make a big change, give your house a new lease on life (and maybe you too). It’s an affordable way to make your home more of YOUR HOME.  It brings beauty and care into your world.
We care about sustainability – it is our cornerstone and guiding light. We have built in systems in our work-flow and techniques so we can reduce waste and inefficiencies. We are fully trained to hand brush a house or spray it and work with high quality paints and processes to give you longevity.  

Interior and Exterior painting for new construction, remodels, and repaints

Traditional hand-brushed exteriors

Powerwashing services: Wash and hand scrub of exteriors to remove mildew, dirt and city grime

Traditional hand-brushed cabinets and trim-work, cut & roll for walls

Restoration of Woodwork

Staining & Clear Coating

Water damage repair & texture matching for ceilings & walls

Lead-Based Paint Renovation Licensed. All staff are trained in lead safety as mandated.

Environmentally Friendly Services & Zero/Low VOC Product Options

with an eye for historical homes

Homes built in 1910 or 1920 were built differently than 1960 or 2010.
A house from 1910 is sometimes almost untouched with all the original materials in tact, and sometimes the house has been through many remodels and paint jobs. When we consider these types of projects, we know there are a lot of layers.
Clients may want to go back to original historic function and purpose of the home and we consider that. Other times they may want to build on a modern look and function of their old home, so we consider that. Or something in between. Sometimes a client just wants to freshen up and sell. Or they want a conservative approach for a forever home.
With all our experience we can provide for these different approaches. We also have many years experience in newer construction and know how to execute those more straight forward projects.

commonly asked questions

Yes we are but we fill up fast! We open for bidding in the Spring and complete projects from Summer to Fall.

We’re so looking forward to starting on your project! We send a follow up info sheet to all of our clients with information like What to Expect, phases of the project, any prep that might be needed, schedule, contract, payment, recommendations, and any other notes! We go over all of these together, but the document is with you throughout the project for you to refer back to. 

Yes!  I am happy I can be on site painting your homes, you can expect me to be around about 70-80% of the time working along side Drew.

No sadly I do not.  Dicks Color Center on 909 SE Salmon has colorist, so does Powell Paint Center.  Give them a call!

reach out for a quote

We’d love to get started on your project and come up with a master plan.